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Deb Kuch's Story

Start by finding an environment that’s right for you!

When did you feel that something needed to change? Did you have a ‘snap point’?

I was looking for a new gym and from past experience, I knew that I needed to find somewhere close to home where I could consistently train at 6am or earlier.
I knew that weight training would get me in the door and motivate me. I needed to work on my fitness and it was time to stop trying to out train a bad diet so I immediately signed up for the complete offering of FIRE, ICE & MP nutrition. 

Do you have a clear or personal reason why you are doing this program?

What I didn’t realise at the time, was that I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is a form of arthritis that needs to be managed with daily exercise, strengthening and stretching.
I came to Mana when I was rapidly becoming The Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz rather than the unfit frumpy middle aged mum I was punishing myself for having become! 

What have you learned so far? 

A year later and my journey has only just begun. I have learned that weight loss is not the holy grail; it is the extra reward for focusing on my health and fitness.
I have learned that the number on the scale is not indicative of health or how confident I look in my clothes.
I have learned my daughter is resilient and will happily come to the gym in her pyjamas so Mum can work out.
I have learned the value of nutrition and fuelling my body. Most importantly I have learned that it is OK to fall down …. as long as I keep “falling forward”.

What’s your advice for someone with your condition, that may be thinking of exercising?

Your health and fitness is critical to managing any illness.
Start by finding an environment that’s right for you.
Armed with my diagnosis in mid 2017, my pre-existing conditions and recurring injuries started to make sense.
When I first met Ana in December 2016, I immediately sensed that she had the perfect balance of nurturing and “taking no BS” and that I needed her in my life.
I went looking for a gym and found so much more. I found the incredible friendship and support of like minded individuals that I love training with …. I found a tribe. Mana Tribe.

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