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"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"

Meet superstar baller Jack Santa Maria, a well balanced athlete that gives his all. When I first met Jack, all he wanted to do was dunk but that was just the start.

Through a well structured eating plan, family support and a personalised program, Jack found that there is more to strength and conditioning than just lifting weights.

He tuned his mind and body into being great and never giving up at the last hurdle. Jack thrived on every program and challenge and now has built a strong mindset to take on what life throws him.

Find out his 3 top tips on how to stay competitive as an athlete. Let's get to know him a bit better.......

Do you have a favourite quote?

"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"

Do you have a special talent?

I see my vertical jump as my special talent

What's one thing that would surprise us to find out about you?

I love feeling sore the day after a hard workout.

Have you always been sporty?

Since birth. Sport and exercise has always been my go-to activity.

Who or what motivates you?

Aside from Professional Athletes in my sport, I generally motivate myself in the sense that I am always looking to improve. The drive I have to be a superior athlete is what fuels my passion to train and exercise. Not only that, but the level of confidence and health that fitness training provides is something that I find motivates me as a healthy lifestyle helps lead a more productive and efficient lifestyle.

What is your favourite exercise or workout?

Nothing beats a good leg day. Vertical jumps, box jumps and squats all give me that typical post-workout satisfaction that I've worked hard when I leave the gym with wobbly legs.

What sort of music do you like to workout to and why?

The music I like to workout to has to have a good beat, it's really got to get me pumped up so that I can get my blood pumping to lift heavy and train hard.

What do you love about your chosen sport?

What I love about basketball is the high intensity at which it is played. The fast-paced play is a test of strength, endurance, power, durability, accuracy and technique, all of which are aspects that I enjoy performing to as high of a standard as possible, as well as working outside games to improve.

What do you love about training at Mana?

Mana provides an incredible sense of community both in and outside the gym which is something that is uncommon in conventional gyms.

What are your 3 top tips on how to stay competitive as an athlete?1. Alway share a goal, and always know what you're working towards2. Treat your body like a temple; better you put in, the better you'll get out3. Be humble and be proud of your achievements and your abilities

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