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Joh Sergeant's Story

"To me, success is happiness. Being able to get on with life, even in the low times"

Mana: Tell us a little about your journey so far

Joh: My journey has been wonderful since joining. I’ve changed my lifestyle!
I exercise with a wonderful community who have become friends and I have much more energy than I’ve had in years. I certainly haven’t been “perfect” every day on the programme but I’ve learnt that “nobody’s perfect”. 

Mana: What else have you learned?

Joh: My routine has changed to the point that I enjoy grocery shopping….strange but true. 

Organisation and preparation has become my motto. My Saturday mornings are now made up of going to the farmers market with my dog (and hubby) to buy supplies for my weekly prep.

As a full-time working mother, I’m now prepared for the week and able to take on challenges at work as well as look after myself.

My FIRE (resistance exercise) routines in the gym have come a long way. I’m lifting weights that I would never have expected to be able to lift and I’m loving every minute.

The gym environment is encouraging and always friendly with lots of banter.

With the Online Coaching system, I stay in contact with my trainer on the go. When travelling for work, I’m able to keep on track because MP (Metabolic Precision) lifestyle has become my way of life….not another diet! Most important, is that I’m not on any medication, I’m stronger, fitter and feeling great.

Mana: Yes, no body is perfect. Tell us; what are some “sometimes” foods that have crept back into your routine lately?

Joh: Although studies show that they can improve my health, I find that sometimes I go a bit too far with the dark chocolate and the red wine. I’m learning slowly that a moderate approach is the key.

Mana: What was your snap point? When did you decide that it was time to change your lifestyle?

Joh: I was feeling low, on anti-depressants and had just received results from a blood test that showed I was bordering on diabetes. I wanted to lose weight but more importantly, I needed to get my strength and happy life back. I had tried so many different diets and they all worked, while I kept to the regime, but they weren’t sustainable. 

Mana: What lead you to start exercising?

Joh: My boys had been with Mana for Rugby Strength and Conditioning training. It is such a lovely community of people and my boys enjoyed every minute. After watching the boys train and spending many evenings waiting for them, I was invited to attend a fundraising ICE session. The team were so welcoming and inclusive, I haven’t looked back! It was through this that I was introduced to MP and I decided to give it a go. Now I’m part of a dedicated team called Mana All Stars where I’m living and growing outside my comfort zone.

Mana: Have you got a clear and personal reason why you are doing this program?

Joh: I've had continued success in my health and wellbeing by continuing with the program. My confidence has already improved and I'm looking forward to my ultimate goal of feeling comfortable in my own body which has been a long time coming.

Mana: What does success look like to you?

Joh: Success is happiness. Being able to get on with life, even in the low times.With each program, I've been made more accountable and have had the energy to "Let it go"

Mana: Finally, what advice would you give to someone right now who is thinking about a lifestyle change?

Joh: Just do it!

I want them to know that life goes on. You just need to fit training and healthy eating into your “norm”

Changing habits can often be daunting but with a great support network, it’s easier than you think. 

Ana & Jose have formed a wonderful community who are supportive and encouraging all the way. MP really is a true lifestyle change and something that you (and your family) will always be happy you took the journey"

If you'd like results like Joh, we'd love to chat about your goals and how we may be able to help.

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