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Q1. What was your snap point? When you said enough was enough, time to change your lifestyle?

A1. I had thought about doing something about improving my health and fitness for a long time but failed to engage out of fear and lack of self belief. My body was giving me lots of indicators. My health was poor and I had been diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia as a direct result of critically low potassium levels. I didn't want to be on lifelong medication as I knew this could be improved with nutrition and lifestyle change. So that was my 1st snap point. The second decider was going on holidays in January of this year on a houseboat with friends and family. It was hot and activities consisted of swimming or skiing. I love swimming but to get up and back into the boat meant having to physically pull myself out of the water and onto the back of the boat. I couldn't.

So I missed out, made excuses why I didn't want to swim, it broke my heart as the kids were constantly at me to join in.

Q2. Why did you choose to train with us?

A2. Let's be 100% honest. I stalked the Mana group on FB for ages before I made contact. I knew a few friends who trained and I was inspired by their strength and attitudes. I used to wish I could be part of that. I guess I just had a really good feeling about Ana and Jose after talking very briefly with them on a few occasions. It was when I really engaged and made contact that Ana and Jose instantly made me feel safe in their space. They weren't showy or unrealistic. I chose to train with you ultimately because I had heard so many good things about you both and your program. Also the intimacy of the studio appealed to me and the very structured combination of training meant I was getting the most out of the time I had available to train.

Q3. Tell us a little about your journey so far since joining?

A3. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life to date. To be experiencing a 1st at the age of 41 is exhilarating. I knew from the get go that I was going to give it 100%. I think I saw this opportunity as a lifeline, I wanted to change but I needed the right people around me. I needed to arttend the MP classes every Wednesday to keep myself accountable and to be supported by others, it worked. At the beginning of my journey, week 1-3 MP I struggled big time with my food prep and fitting in eating all the food into one day. Then my metabolism woke up and eating became easier as I realised preparation was the key to success. My new routine was menu plan Friday night, Market to shop Saturday morning and Cook up Sunday afternoon. This had to be my priority and by including the kids in these process's I could involve them in my journey and make it about all of us not just me.

My ICE classes of course ere hard hard work for the first couple of months, really they still are but as my fitness improves and my weight reduces it has become more enjoyable. How I feel after training was another motivation to keep going, my energy levels were improving noticeably, my sleep also became a priority and improved and I was generally feeling a lot better within myself. There were Low's along the way but they did not linger and the reason they did not was because of the support I received. I leant into this, I let myself be vulnerable which is a hard thing to do as a single parent and not so confident person. The Mana community inspired me to keep going. Little wins like my clothes fitting better and not feeling dizzy spurred me on.

When you decide you want something better for yourself it's ultimately up to you to bring it about. I knew I could not do it alone though. This journey has worked for me because I was clever enough to find the right people to teach me, to train me, understand me and want the best for me. This journey has taught me more about myself in 12 weeks than I've learnt in years. I am eating my way to health with wholesome nutritionally dense meals. My whole routine has changed for the better, it's almost too hard to put into words. I believe in myself again and the relief that I feel that the best I can be is a real possibility is unexplainable.

Q4. What advice would you give to someone right now who is thinking about a lifestyle change?

A4. Stop thinking about it and just start doing. Ana and Jose started with me just moving, that simple, just moving. If you can relate in any way to what I written above then I bet you are sick and tired of that voice in your mind telling you you need to do something, I had that voice, I don't anymore. It's quiet in my mind because I stopped thinking about it and started doing it. Identify your "why" and run, shuffle, walk full bore in the direction of your desires.

Live a full life because a life lived in fear is a life half lived.

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