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"There is no time like the present, don’t make excuses make change, make the best of each and everyday. Put yourself first and take control, as soon as you do there is no looking back !!"


Being big all my life I never really looked at myself as the massive person, It was all in my head. It wasn’t until Christmas if 2016 when I received a message of a pic of me that it hit me I was so sad and angry all at the same time of course it wasn’t my fault it was my medication it was my sickness yeh nah who was I kidding it was all my fault first thing I did was take ownership then my journey began!!!


I met Jose and Ana at my hair show a few years back. I made many failed appointments but Ana never gave up and finally I took the biggest and to date the best step into Mana Fitness. Mana in a nutshell really sums up Jose and Ana’s self respect, respect for others and never giving up, to name a few. From not being able to last more than 5 minutes in a class to now smashing out the whole class, why would you choose anywhere else?


They say getting started is the hardest part!! I say getting started and staying on track is both hard but you can’t under estimate the feeling when you have when you reach each every goal you set out. For me losing weight and getting healthy was and will never be about the way I look as its more about life or death. 

Before my journey the five years prior I would spend at least three months in and out of hospital. I was taking very high doses of every medication; I had no real energy for much more than work and the running of my household.

Fast forward the clock 2 -1/2 yrs and I haven’t felt this healthy and energetic.This summer was one of the best summers I’ve had in a very long time, going to the beach and being active for me was my biggest highlight.

I know now food is not the enemy and we are always the creators of our own life.My day starts with a protein shake a 6 am class either fire or ice followed by 5 more meals work and me time!! 

For every woman or man reading this we must always know our own worth, respect u first. This is a massive lesson I learnt by the way Jose and Ana live their life!! For me the ultimate goal for this year is to see two numbers on the scale. It is not a option I must stay strong and focused and stand tall and proud at the end. 


The biggest and I think best advice I can give anyone is firstly think about what you really want in life and think about why you want to change your life

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